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Senior Membership

Bramhall CC enters three senior sides into the Cheshire County Cricket League which play on Saturdays and Sundays between mid-April and September, as well as a midweek veterans’ side.

During the season players are encouraged to attend nets at least once a week, whether as part of our group sessions on Monday and Thursday evenings. These usually take place on grass but we have excellent hard net facilities too. Regular training is demanding but there is a great team camaraderie at the club which has been built up from the younger players moving up through the ranks to join the Senior teams.

There is a fantastic spirit at the club amongst the players and we always welcome new members of all abilities.

Nick Cantello
Club Captain


Junior Membership

We welcome children whatever their cricketing ability to Church Lane and want them to enjoy the game amongst their friends and family.

As junior coaches we are keen to instil a love of the game that they can take through to adulthood and through the game of cricket, we believe they will encounter many physical and social aspects that they will find important as they go through their life. As Junior Chairman I would like to welcome all existing members for the new season and also welcome our new members. We have a team of qualified and committed coaches who all enjoy training nights at the club during the season – particularly Tuesdays and Fridays.

I look forward to meeting you all through the season.

Simon Wilkinson
Junior Chairman


‘Webcollect – online membership software’


The club’s membership process uses an online system called Webcollect. This is a system used by many cricket clubs around the country and makes the collection of membership fees much easier and safer because it doesn’t accept cash and stores information securely. The benefits of this transition to both our members (parents/guardians) and the club are outlined below:



* Registration and re-registration is simplified and more efficient with robust and secure payment processes

* Control over, and responsibility for, payment process through a secure online my basket/checkout system.

* Membership form now filled in online with the ability to update all relevant information online including medical conditions, address, email, phone numbers, emergency contact details etc…

* Ability to buy tickets for future social, charity and club events online e.g. Comedy night, Quiz night etc



* More efficient management of membership database and membership fees

* Allows us to keep track of our members and update our database in real time

* More efficient collection and monitoring of membership fees with instant access to vital member information e.g. medical requirements and emergency contact details

* More efficient management of events and easier way to promote club events and sell tickets

* More efficient registration/ re-registration process for both existing and new members

* Saves our coaches a huge amount of time by reducing their admin for the player registration process, so they can focus on coaching cricket.



When your annual membership is due for renewal, you will receive an email from WebCollect, with the subject line ‘Bramhall CC- invitation to renew membership. Please check your junk mail. If you need any assistance please email the Membership Secretary at



Click Here to Renew Your Membership